Tapas was born in Kolkata, West Bengal (India). He graduated from IIT (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee) (India) with an M.Sc. in chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Anuj Sharma. Then, he moved to Heidelberg University (Germany)with a prestigious DAAD program to pursue his Ph.D under the guidance of Prof. A. Stephen K. Hashmi. During this journey, he focused on developing gold photo redox catalyzed cross-coupling to construct carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bonds. Tapas joined the Denmark group in 2021 as a post-doctoral researcher to continue his research in catalyst optimization by computer-driven workflow and machine learning. Outside the lab, Tapas enjoys reading, music, and solving synthetic chemistry puzzles.
M.Sc., Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology (India)
PhD, Chemistry, Heidelberg University (Germany)
Email Tapas: tadak@illinois.edu